Energy Policy in Lao PDR and Myanmar: Issues and Implications

Energy Policy in Lao PDR and Myanmar: Issues and Implications
PARI-ERIA Joint Energy Research 2012

1. Introduction: The importance of energy issues in the Greater Mekong Subregions (GMS)

While uncertainty remains on the prospects for long-term economic growth in China, potentials for interlinked growth in the Greater Mekong Sub-regions (GMS), which include both China and the ASEAN group, look more promising, and have recently, attracted more attention globally. When it comes to energy and resources, we may identify 3 aspects as being of paramount importance, namely Economic Growth, Energy Security and Environmental Conservation (the 3E triangle shown in Figure1). Given the complex interrelations between the GMS states, clearly a balanced consideration is called for. No one country in the region can attain its 3E goals in isolation and major trade-offs in prioritization will be unavoidable.


in: Energy Modeling and Outlook, Energy Modeling-Articles
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