ASEAN Connectivity: Power Integration with Myanmar -The 4th ERI-PARI Joint Workshop

ASEAN Connectivity:

Power Integration with Myanmar -The 4th ERI-PARI Joint Workshop

February 24, 2015,Energy Research Institute (ERI), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Co-hosted by

Energy Research Institute (ERI), Chulalongkorn University


UTokyo Policy Alternative Research Institute (PARI), the University of Tokyo

Supported by

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)


1. Objective:

Regarding electric power developments in Myanmar, this workshop aimes:

-           to understand current barriers and its removal regarding the on-going power investment projects in Myanmar;

-           to introduce the relevant research achievement conducted by ERI/PARI joint research project; and

-           to kick-off the new ERI/PARI joint research project focusing on the Salween River Development

2. Outline:

After the opening of the country, Myanmar economy has remarkably progressed. Its energy development, however, has been lag behind the economic boom. The country’s further progress is promising with the energy development. For the development, PARI has held stakeholder’s meetings in collaboration with ERIA.

As a matter of fact, the country cannot achieve energy development without sound global/regional linkages. Focusing on the energy relationship with neighboring richer countries, this workshop tries to address the barrier and its removal regarding the power integration with Myanmar.

What are barriers for the power integration with Myanmar? What kind of win-win relationship could be imagined through power integrations? What kind of energy policies / regulations is needed to craft win-win situation? By discussing those questions, we will draw implications for our further research.


Presentation Slides

01 Scope of the ERIA – UT Research – Prof. Hisashi Yoshikawa

02 Scope of the Workshop – Mr. Kensuke Yamaguchi

03 Various Barriers in Energy & Environmental Projects – Mr. Taisuke Odera

04 Back Ground Chinese Investment in Myanmar – Mr. Prasert Reubroycharoen

05 Lessons from Connectivity Between Lao-Thailand – Dr. Venkatachalam Anbumozhi

06 Lessons from Fieldwork Myanmar-Chinese Power Integration – Mr. Kieth Rabin (KWR International)

07 River Basin Management – Why Social Inclusion Matters – Mr.Tanai Potisat

08 Interim Result Social Survey – Mr. Kensuke Yamaguchi

09 Outreach Endeavor Policy Training Workshop in Myanmar- Dr. Masa Sugiyama

in: Energy Modeling and Outlook, Energy Modeling-Activities, Energy Modeling-Articles, Energy Modeling-Projects, Latest Activities
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