Power system model reduction for short-circuit currents estimation

Boonsuwan, K.Hoonchareon, N.   Power system model reduction for short-circuit currents estimation. (2012) 2012 9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2012; Phetchaburi; Thailand; 16 May 2012 through 18 May 2012;

This paper proposes a reduced network equivalence in order to fasten the computation of short-circuit currents only within the sub-area of interest, connected to the large power system. The proposed method has been verified on the modified IEEE 24-bus reliability test system and the modified EGAT 243-transmission system. The numerical results evidently show that this method gives acceptable estimates of the short-circuit currents, when compared to those computed by using the bus impedance matrix of the full model. The resulting reduced network equivalence can be further deployed in the formulation of network reconfiguration problem to optimize security of the system in real-time while curtailing the short circuit currents within some selected areas. © 2012 IEEE.

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