Thailand’s Solar PV Roadmap Initiative


Thailand’s Solar PV Roadmap Initiative
“Hope and concern voiced at meeting with Thailand’s top solar PV market stakeholders”

On Wednesday July 31, 2013, Chulalongkorn University’s Energy Research Institute and the Ministry of Energy’s Department of Alternative Energy Development and Energy Efficiency (DEDE) in cooperation with the British Embassy hosted the second of a series of six meetings to discuss the development of Thailand’s Solar PV Roadmap. The meeting was designed to consider innovative business models and financing options for distributed solar systems. The Economics/Finance Working Group attracted 78 participants from the public and private sectors. Representatives of EPPO, MEA, PEA and DEDE, as well as of Kasikorn Bank, CapAsia and SCB, among others, offered a colorful palette of industry expertise and a productive seminar. This timely seminar took place only 2 weeks after the July 16’s NEPC resolutions that increase Thailand’s solar PV targets by 1,000 MW and set feed-in tariffs for rooftop & ground-mounted installations.

Financial Models for new Solar PV goals

After continuous development of large-scale investment in ground-mounted solar PV farms in Thailand, the new policy calls for 200 MW of rooftop solar PV to be installed before the end of 2013. Additional feed-in-Tariffs are also offered for a quota of 800MW of 1MW community solar plants, to be installed by the end of 2014. Altogether, these new targets raise Thailand’s solar PV goal to 3,000 MW. Mr. Wattanapong Kurowat, the Director of Power Competition Group at EPPO, states that the Energy Regulatory Commission will be responsible for the process design for the purchase of power as well as the creation of a one stop service overseeing the application process. The decreasing feed-in tariff for the community solar plants is designed to aid villages and rural communities in the payments of the loan for the PV.


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in: Energy Policy and Economics, Energy Policy-Activities, Energy Policy-Conference Proceedings, Energy Policy-Projects, Highlights
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