Solar Cell Electricity Generating From Concentrated Sunlight by Using of Fluorescent Solar Concentrator System

Solar Cell Electricity Generating From Concentrated Sunlight by Using of Fluorescent Solar Concentrator System

International Conference on Green and Sustainable Innovation 2012 (ICGSI) May 24 –26, 2012, Chiang Mai

Chatchai Damkham1 and Wattana Ratismith2

1 Energy and Technology Management Master Program Student, Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University,

Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330

2 Researcher, Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330


Fluorescent Solar Concentrator (FSC) is the light concentrating device consists of a plastic plate doped with fluorescent materials that absorb sunlight and emit light at the edges of the plate, the concentrated light at FSC’s edge was concentrated again by attached compound parabolic lens (CPL) coupled with PV cell to the edge of FSC and the remaining three edges were attached with mirror film to reflect the light back to the FSC and guide to CPLs again., CPLs guided the concentrated light to the fiber optic attached with PV cell and produced electricity, from the experiment, compared with the same type and the same  receiving area of PV cell placed directly to sunlight, The PV cell coupled with concentrator system can increase about three time of PV cell electrical power at the same sunlight intensity, the advantage of the system is to reduce the amount of PV cells used to generated the same electrical power and can also increase solar cell efficiency by placed in air conditioning room.

in: Energy Policy-Conference Proceedings
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