An Innovation of Stationary Evacuated Collector for Process Heating Applications

An Innovation of Stationary Evacuated Collector for Process Heating Applications

International Conference on Green and Sustainable Innovation 2012 (ICGSI) May 24 –26, 2012, Chiang Mai

Anusorn Inthongkhum  and Wattana Ratismith

Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University,10330, Bangkok, Thailand


A novel design of compound parabolic trough improve the efficiency of the conventional parabolic trough solar collector. The collector is designed to achieve day-long collection efficiency without the need for mechanical tracking of the sun and has an ability to operate efficiently under diffused solar irradiation. The solar collector consists of multiple compound parabolic troughs facing the sun at different angles. The advantage of this design is that there are no moving parts in the system and is suitable for use in all kinds of climate. The maximum temperature of hot oil is 180 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature for non-operating mode is 235 degrees Celsius which is suitable for industrial uses or cooling application.

in: Energy Policy-Conference Proceedings
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